Another fantastic and unforgetable day has passed. Weather was perfect again and more peolpe came today to see the show!
A day starts with breakfast 6.30 and departure 6.50. Hotel staff looks really tired, and only half of the breakfast is ready. But some nescafe (only coffee there is) and some beans, eggplants, rice (yes, its food for breakfast too) and a muffin we are set. Arriving at the airport, all planes are checked, refuled and GoPro cameras are mounted. Its a mission to change to the cat outfit. We have to run a little to escape people caching us for photos to not be delayed. In the same building as the tower we get a room to change wear. Suit, ears, tail and makeup! Then we have to run even faster back until we cross the fence to the airplanes. We wave and sheer to get attention for our show. At the safe side of the fence we can play! The crowd sheers and take photos. Police and military on the inside stops us for photos. Crazy but fun!
After the show first pose on the wings for a while, then run along the fence, again waving and sheering! A line of militarys outside the fence stops the crowd to get to close but at the end of the day we can go outside the fence and meet our fans. Its all ages, wich is very funny :)
Some lunch is quick eaten, hidden behind the fence, in true chinese style, with chopsticks sitting on a tiny stool. The days feels really long. At the end when it feels like its about 4-5 pm, its only about 2pm! Also airshows starts much earlier here than in Sweden.
Tonight was a banqet held. We dressed up fancy and where taken to a luxury restaurant with all importent people and airshow particients. Speach where held and song where sung. They do party like crazy! Like there is no show tomorrow! They where a bit disapointed when they saw we drank alcohole free beer and coke. Our team gave 3 swedish Dalahästar (famous old traditional horses in painted tree) to importent people in the organization. Later we sang a swedish 'snapsvisa' (song to 'cheers!'), they just love it! The governour came up to thank us and sang a song to us right there about 'friends forever'! We gave them another gift, a box of swedish 'snaps' since they like to rice liquid shots. Wonder how they like it or not?! Again hundres of photos where taken, and videotapes of all cheering. Here you sit around round tables and then peolpe and groups go around for cheering with others. A chinese banqet is over pretty fast, its full speed, and then everything is finnished in less than 2 hours. The food is very creative and for us sometimes strange. I'll give you some fun pictures. Most of the food is really deliciuos and I will miss it when I'm back home. Its not at all to compare with china-food at home!
Back tomorrow!! good night <3 Hella